Publication: CIPPA 教学模式在泰国汉语课堂教学中的应用
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Journal of Chinese Language and Culture, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
วารสารวิชาการภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
Journal of Chinese Language and Culture, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University
วารสารวิชาการภาษาและวัฒนธรรมจีน มหาวิทยาลัยหัวเฉียวเฉลิมพระเกียรติ
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CIPPA 教学模式在泰国汉语课堂教学中的应用
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CIPPA 教学模式在泰国汉语课堂教学中的应用
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本文以泰国清莱皇家大学教育学院基础汉语班的 29 名学生为研究对象,然后采用 CIPPA 教学模式进行教学实践。研究目的是设计泰国清莱皇家大学教育学院基础汉语班汉语综合课的 CIPPA 教学模式教案,考察泰国清莱皇家大学教育学院基础汉 语班的学生使用 CIPPA 教学模式教案进行教学的有效度。研究工具包括 CIPPA 教学模式教案、前测与后测试卷。以实验法,采取“单一组前测与后测设计”的方法来考察教师使用 CIPPA 教学模式进行教学前后学生学习成绩的变化,利用平均值(x̄)、标准差(S.D.)、E1/E2、T-TEST 来进行数据统计分析。通过分析得出以下结论:通过对实验过程有效率和实验结果有效率的比较,E1/E2分别为:85 和 82.76, CIPPA 教学模式教案的有效度达到实验前假设为:80/80 的标准,这说明 CIPPA 教学模式教案具有一定的可靠性。通过对比学生前后测测试成绩的数据发现:学生的后测成绩的平均值为:41.38,高于前测成绩的平均值:33.21,显著性小于 0.01,测验的结果显著。表明学生在教师使用 CIPPA 教学模式进行教学之后,学生的汉语学习成绩得到了明显的提高。
This article takes 29 students in the basic Chinese class of the Faculty of Education, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand as the research object, and then adopts the CIPPA teaching model for teaching practice. The research goal of this article is to design the CIPPA teaching model teaching plan for the comprehensive Chinese course of the Basic Chinese Class of the Faculty of Education of Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand, and to investigate the effectiveness of the teaching plan. Research tools include CIPPA teaching model teaching plan, pre-test and post-test papers. Using the experimental method, adopt the method of "single-group pre-test and post-test design" to investigate the changes in students' academic performance before and after the teacher uses the CIPPA teaching model to use the average , standard deviation (S.D.), E1/E2 and T-TEST to Perform statistical analysis of data. The following conclusions are drawn through analysis: By comparing the efficiency of the experimental process and the experimental results, respectively: 85and 82.76. The effectiveness of the CIPPA teaching model teaching plan reaches the pre-experiment hypothesis: 80/80 standard, which shows that the CIPPA teaching model teaching plan has a certain degree of reliability. By comparing the data of the students before and after the test scores, it is found that the average of 41.38 of the students' post-test scores is higher than the average of the previous test scores of 33.21, and the significance is less than 0.01, and the test results are significant. It shows that after the teachers use the CIPPA teaching model to teach, the students' Chinese learning performance has been significantly improved.
This article takes 29 students in the basic Chinese class of the Faculty of Education, Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand as the research object, and then adopts the CIPPA teaching model for teaching practice. The research goal of this article is to design the CIPPA teaching model teaching plan for the comprehensive Chinese course of the Basic Chinese Class of the Faculty of Education of Chiang Rai Rajabhat University, Thailand, and to investigate the effectiveness of the teaching plan. Research tools include CIPPA teaching model teaching plan, pre-test and post-test papers. Using the experimental method, adopt the method of "single-group pre-test and post-test design" to investigate the changes in students' academic performance before and after the teacher uses the CIPPA teaching model to use the average , standard deviation (S.D.), E1/E2 and T-TEST to Perform statistical analysis of data. The following conclusions are drawn through analysis: By comparing the efficiency of the experimental process and the experimental results, respectively: 85and 82.76. The effectiveness of the CIPPA teaching model teaching plan reaches the pre-experiment hypothesis: 80/80 standard, which shows that the CIPPA teaching model teaching plan has a certain degree of reliability. By comparing the data of the students before and after the test scores, it is found that the average of 41.38 of the students' post-test scores is higher than the average of the previous test scores of 33.21, and the significance is less than 0.01, and the test results are significant. It shows that after the teachers use the CIPPA teaching model to teach, the students' Chinese learning performance has been significantly improved.