Publication: มนุษยนิยมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาทกับการแก้ปัญหาสิทธิมนุษยชน
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วารสารบัณฑิตศาส์น มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์
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ดุษฎีนิพนธ์เรื่อง มนุษยนิยมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาทกับการแก้ปัญหาสิทธิมนุษยชน มีวัตถุประสงค์ในการวิจัยคือ 1) เพื่อศึกษาแนวคิดมนุษยนิยม 2) เพื่อศึกษาแนวคิดมนุษยนิยมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาท 3) เพื่อบูรณาการมนุษยนิยมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาทกับการแก้ปัญหาสิทธิมนุษยชน 4) เพื่อนำเสนอองค์ความรู้เกี่ยวกับเรื่อง “มนุษยนิยมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาทกับการแก้ปัญหาสิทธิมนุษยชน” ดุษฎีนิพนธ์ฉบับนี้เป็นการวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพ บูรณาการระหว่างคุณภาพแบบวิจัยเอกสาร และ คุณภาพแบบสัมภาษณ์ โดยมีเครื่องมือที่ใช้ในการวิจัยคือ เอกสารต่าง ๆ ทั้งที่เป็นปฐมภูมิ และ ทุติยภูมิ รวมทั้งเอกสารอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง และ บทสัมภาษณ์ โดยศึกษาการบูรณาการแนวคิด มนุษยนิยมในพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาท กับการแก้ปัญหาการละเมิดสิทธิมนุษยชนใน 4 ประเด็นคือ 1) คุณค่าและศักดิ์ศรีความเป็นมนุษย์ 2) สิทธิเสรีภาพ 3) ความเสมอภาค 4) ภราดรภาพ เพื่อส่งผลให้เกิดคุณค่าทางด้านสังคม เศรษฐกิจ การเมืองการปกครอง ของมนุษยชาติที่อยู่ร่วมกันในสังคม
Dissertation title Humanistic Buddhism's philosophy in solving human rights problems. The objectives of the study were 1) to study the concept of humanism and 2) to study the concept of humanism in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy 3) integrated humanism in Buddhism's philosophy to solve human rights problems 4) to present the opinion. know about "Humanistic Buddhism's philosophy in solving human rights problems" This dissertation is a qualitative research. Integration between quality research and documentation, qualitative interviews. The instrument used in the research is to document both the primary and secondary as well as other documents. Related studies and interviews by integrating concepts. Buddhism's philosophy of humanismThe solution to the human rights violations in four issues: 1) the value and dignity 2) freedom 3) equal to 4) to the Brotherhood resulted in valuable social, economic, political. Of humanity who live together in society.The results showed that : 1) The concept of humanistic Buddhism's philosophy suggests that human and socially conscious people in the same society. Emphasis on compassion for fellow human beings. The idea is that by telling the man was a fellow suffering caused to the injured died together of mankind. Including respect for the worth and dignity. The principle is the concept of the Universal Declaration of. 2) The concept of humanism in Buddhism's philosophy of presenting the concept. "Retribution" or a rule of action. The emphasis on human self-realization. In an act of individual human beings. Humans can determine the fate According to their own free will or the law of karma, the law of human action, so is the power of custom and as a matter of individual responsibility for the actions of their own 3) The result of the introduction of the concept of humanism in Buddhism's philosophy in the law of retribution (Law of Karma) principle of not hurting each other (Non encroachment) principles to respect (Respect) main discipline (Discipline) and morality Universal (Universal. morality) integrated in order to solve the problem of human rights violations in a4 point lead to a valuable social, economic and political causes of human mankind. There are ways to live together in society. With respect the value and dignity of each other. Although there are differences. Used as a guide in life.4) guidance and knowledge about. "Format, integrating the concept of humanism in Buddhism's philosophy to solve the problem of human rights" is a model K N RD U leadership model K N RD U use this to solve the problem of human rights violations. In a class action meant to start operating at the level of individual persons will be brought into action at the level of family, community, society and the United Nations.
Dissertation title Humanistic Buddhism's philosophy in solving human rights problems. The objectives of the study were 1) to study the concept of humanism and 2) to study the concept of humanism in Theravada Buddhist Philosophy 3) integrated humanism in Buddhism's philosophy to solve human rights problems 4) to present the opinion. know about "Humanistic Buddhism's philosophy in solving human rights problems" This dissertation is a qualitative research. Integration between quality research and documentation, qualitative interviews. The instrument used in the research is to document both the primary and secondary as well as other documents. Related studies and interviews by integrating concepts. Buddhism's philosophy of humanismThe solution to the human rights violations in four issues: 1) the value and dignity 2) freedom 3) equal to 4) to the Brotherhood resulted in valuable social, economic, political. Of humanity who live together in society.The results showed that : 1) The concept of humanistic Buddhism's philosophy suggests that human and socially conscious people in the same society. Emphasis on compassion for fellow human beings. The idea is that by telling the man was a fellow suffering caused to the injured died together of mankind. Including respect for the worth and dignity. The principle is the concept of the Universal Declaration of. 2) The concept of humanism in Buddhism's philosophy of presenting the concept. "Retribution" or a rule of action. The emphasis on human self-realization. In an act of individual human beings. Humans can determine the fate According to their own free will or the law of karma, the law of human action, so is the power of custom and as a matter of individual responsibility for the actions of their own 3) The result of the introduction of the concept of humanism in Buddhism's philosophy in the law of retribution (Law of Karma) principle of not hurting each other (Non encroachment) principles to respect (Respect) main discipline (Discipline) and morality Universal (Universal. morality) integrated in order to solve the problem of human rights violations in a4 point lead to a valuable social, economic and political causes of human mankind. There are ways to live together in society. With respect the value and dignity of each other. Although there are differences. Used as a guide in life.4) guidance and knowledge about. "Format, integrating the concept of humanism in Buddhism's philosophy to solve the problem of human rights" is a model K N RD U leadership model K N RD U use this to solve the problem of human rights violations. In a class action meant to start operating at the level of individual persons will be brought into action at the level of family, community, society and the United Nations.