Publication: บูรณาการการบริหารธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมด้วยหลักพุทธธรรม
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วารสารบัณฑิตศาส์น มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย สาขามนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์
Mahamakut Graduate School Journal
Mahamakut Graduate School Journal
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การศึกษาวิจัยเรื่อง บูรณาการการบริหารธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมด้วยหลักพุทธธรรม มีวัตถุประสงค์ดังนี้ 1.เพื่อศึกษาการบริหารธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อม 2.เพื่อศึกษาหลักพุทธธรรมที่เหมาะสมกับการบริหารธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อม 3.เพื่อบูรณาการการบริหารธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมด้วยหลักพุทธธรรม และ 4.เพื่อนำเสนอแนวทางและการสร้างองค์ความรู้ใหม่เกี่ยวกับ “รูปแบบการบูรณาการการบริหารธุรกิจขนาดกลางและขนาดย่อมด้วยหลักพุทธธรรม” วิทยานิพนธ์นี้ได้ดำเนินการวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพแบบเอกสาร (Documentary Qualitative Research) โดยมีวิธีดำเนินการวิจัยเริ่มจากการวิเคราะห์เนื้อหาจากเอกสารวิชาการ วิเคราะห์หลักพุทธธรรมจากพระไตรปิฎกและอรรถกถา สัมภาษณ์เชิงลึก (In-depth interview) ผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิ ด้านเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศและการสื่อสาร และผู้ทรงคุณวุฒิด้านพระพุทธศาสนา จำนวน 13 รูป/คน
The objectives of the research entitled Integration of Small and Medium Enterprises Management with Buddhist Doctrine were as follows: 1. To study the small and medium enterprises management, 2. To study the principles of Buddhadhamma suitable for the small and medium enterprises management, 3. To integrate the principles of Buddhaddharmma with the small and medium enterprises management, and 4.To propose guidelines in building new knowledge regardingthe pattern of integrating the small and medium enterprises management with the principles of Buddhaddharmma. The study employed qualitative method by analyzing Buddhaddhamma from the Tripittaka and Commentary together with conducting an in-depth interview with the 13 experts in SME and Buddhism. The results indicated as follows:The small and medium enterprises management referred to manage the small and medium enterprises in the enterprises process i.e., planning, organizing, staffing, and administrating in order to use all resources for the high benefit as the purpose and goal set. Some entrepreneur, however has not succeeded due to problems both inside and outside on marketing, financial, labor and management. Buddhadhamma principles suited for the small and medium enterprises management were 4 Cakras, namely
1. Patirupdesavasa instanced for the right place to do works such as planting or getting sources, logistic, co-organizing among sides. 2. Sappurisupassaya instanced for team working, searching for new knowledge for the expert and skill persons, networking between related sectors and organization both service and marketing. 3. Attasammapanidhi instanced for good conducting and personality, keeping law and rule, pertaining enterprising ethics, planning for the time. 4. Pubbekatapunnata instanced for self-assets accumulating, namely
behavioral assets (Sila), mental assets (Samadhi) and knowledge and capability (Panna). Moreover, assets have been accumulated in others, i.e., helping others, often giving donation, and being good relation with beside peoples. The integration of the small and medium enterprises management with 4 Cakras for solving 4 enterprise problems are as follows
1. Marketing problems are solved by learning and searching on the body of knowledge of marketing needs, image and brand, products, place, service, and usual donation and merit accumulating. 2. Labor problems in term of skillful labors quitting job are solved by reinforcement of motivation of both rewards and work growing. This is also solved by development of own labor, being good relationship with all labors, respecting them, labor-problems care and being friendly with them. 3. Financial problems are solved by doing right and clear account, source of investment funds entrusting, having money discipline, getting money expertize advisor. 4. Management problems are solved by learning and training on the management, asking for the skillful person to help, being good relationship with others and good behaving and right conduct on the role and position. Having analyzed and synthesized, the integration of the small and medium enterprises management with 4 Cakras could be presented model and guidance of bodyof knowledge as behaving oneself on the morality, gaining knowledge and capability on the enterprise, care closing with learned one, doing place and product on the market needs, in the model called POWER MODEL.
The objectives of the research entitled Integration of Small and Medium Enterprises Management with Buddhist Doctrine were as follows: 1. To study the small and medium enterprises management, 2. To study the principles of Buddhadhamma suitable for the small and medium enterprises management, 3. To integrate the principles of Buddhaddharmma with the small and medium enterprises management, and 4.To propose guidelines in building new knowledge regardingthe pattern of integrating the small and medium enterprises management with the principles of Buddhaddharmma. The study employed qualitative method by analyzing Buddhaddhamma from the Tripittaka and Commentary together with conducting an in-depth interview with the 13 experts in SME and Buddhism. The results indicated as follows:The small and medium enterprises management referred to manage the small and medium enterprises in the enterprises process i.e., planning, organizing, staffing, and administrating in order to use all resources for the high benefit as the purpose and goal set. Some entrepreneur, however has not succeeded due to problems both inside and outside on marketing, financial, labor and management. Buddhadhamma principles suited for the small and medium enterprises management were 4 Cakras, namely
1. Patirupdesavasa instanced for the right place to do works such as planting or getting sources, logistic, co-organizing among sides. 2. Sappurisupassaya instanced for team working, searching for new knowledge for the expert and skill persons, networking between related sectors and organization both service and marketing. 3. Attasammapanidhi instanced for good conducting and personality, keeping law and rule, pertaining enterprising ethics, planning for the time. 4. Pubbekatapunnata instanced for self-assets accumulating, namely
behavioral assets (Sila), mental assets (Samadhi) and knowledge and capability (Panna). Moreover, assets have been accumulated in others, i.e., helping others, often giving donation, and being good relation with beside peoples. The integration of the small and medium enterprises management with 4 Cakras for solving 4 enterprise problems are as follows
1. Marketing problems are solved by learning and searching on the body of knowledge of marketing needs, image and brand, products, place, service, and usual donation and merit accumulating. 2. Labor problems in term of skillful labors quitting job are solved by reinforcement of motivation of both rewards and work growing. This is also solved by development of own labor, being good relationship with all labors, respecting them, labor-problems care and being friendly with them. 3. Financial problems are solved by doing right and clear account, source of investment funds entrusting, having money discipline, getting money expertize advisor. 4. Management problems are solved by learning and training on the management, asking for the skillful person to help, being good relationship with others and good behaving and right conduct on the role and position. Having analyzed and synthesized, the integration of the small and medium enterprises management with 4 Cakras could be presented model and guidance of bodyof knowledge as behaving oneself on the morality, gaining knowledge and capability on the enterprise, care closing with learned one, doing place and product on the market needs, in the model called POWER MODEL.