Publication: ศึกษาวัฒนธรรมการให้ตามหลักพุทธปรัชญาเถรวาท
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A Study of the Culture of Giving According to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy
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The of objectives of this research relating to a study of culture of giving according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy were 1) to study concept and theory relating to culture of giving in general, 2) to study the culture of giving according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and 3) to analyze the culture of giving according to Theravada Buddhist Philosophy. This thesis is a qualitative research emphasizing on documentary research, collecting information from Tipitaka and academic papers of Theravada Buddhist Philosophy and collecting information from the papers of the culture of giving that were written by widely accepted scholars. The information was provided in systematical order and presented in descriptive manner. The results of research were as follows 1) Concepts and theories about The culture of giving, generally, means everything that human beings have created' to be used in leading their life in a society. It is usually an indicator of prosperity, uniqueness, development and morality of people. There are four kinds of culture - moral, legal, social and material. The identity of Thai culture indicates the freedom, solitude, awareness of making merit, obeying the authoritarians and humbleness. Additionally, human society is the grouping of human beings, providing the social structure. Social change refers to the change of ways of practice according to material culture. Social and culture relationship is usually impacted by cultural change which is not certain, depending on the changing situation of the society. 2) The culture of giving, generally, relates to the following excellences - excellence of the field of merit, excellence of the gift and excellence of motive o intention. The giving consists of three steps of intention - intention before giving, intention during giving and intention after giving. Moreover, the culture of giving was found in documentary texts and its meaning is to give materials and to give Dhamma or non-materials. It describes the hidden teaching relating to belief, shamefulness to bad kamma and how to do good kamma. The purpose of giving consists of giving to worship value, giving to expressed gratitude, giving to support, giving to help and giving to praise or honor the good persons. The aspects of the culture of giving are also found in the principles of Dasaparami or ten perfections and Sanggahavatthu 4 or virtues making for group integration and leadership. Methods of giving consist of giving with intention, giving with acquainted manner and giving of wise persons. In terms of perspective of giving, there are many reasons for giving such as giving on suitable occasion, giving due to being afraid of blame, giving to worship value and giving due to positive thinking. Usefulness of giving is found in many suttas such as Siha Sutta, Vibanga Sutta and Aditta Sutta. Most of these suttas narrate usefulness of giving in terms of usefulness for individual, Buddhism and society in general. 3) The culture of giving according to Theravada Buddhist philosophy is found in Tipitaka. The concept is that persons should wisely choose to conduct good merit. An important message found in Suttas is to explain the giving based on wise faith, right time and right persons. The Bodhisattva’s ways of practice have the give as the first stage such Dasaparami with giving or dana as the first item. In Sanggahavatthu 4, giving or dana is the first one. The steps of Bodhisattva's practice to attain Enlightenment have the giving or dana parami. The level of parami depends on the level of effort that Bodhisattvas have paid for. The highest purpose of Bodhisattvas is to attain enlightenment. In addition, the giving is also found as the first item in trisikka or the threefold training. The culture of giving is considered as noble treasures, concept and ways of forgiving. It is useful for both individual and society. Furthermore, the giving with no result is found in Jariyapitaka and Sanghiti Sutta because the givers practice some actions that are opposite to good merit. Those opposite actions are Patipakkhamacchariyadhamma, Patipakkhaitsadhamma and Patipakkhamitchathitthidhamma.
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