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Using Storytelling: From EFL Teachers’ Perceptions to Young Learners’ Reading Performance

Lap, Trinh Quoc, Thy, Nguyen Mai, Thao, Le Thanh (2022)

The query on how to teach young learners to succeed in their English learning has been somehow under-explored. Just a few studies investigated the usefulness of the storytelling (ST) technique on English as a foreign language (EFL) young learners’ (YLs) in the Vietnamese context. Consequently, this study attempts to examine (1) EFL teachers’ perceptions of the contributions of ST, (2) YLs’ attitudes towards the effects of ST on their reading performance, and (3) the impacts of ST on YLs’ reading performance (RP). The study followed a mixed-methods design, using a questionnaire, interviews and reading tests to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. First, a survey was administered to 38 EFL teachers who have taught YLs for more than five years. The experimental study recruited 43 YLs who were divided into two groups, 21 YLs in two control groups and 22 others in two experimental ones. Six YLs in the experimental groups were invited to partake in the interviews, and 43 YLs took the reading pre-test and post-test. The results showed that the teacher participants positively perceived the potentials of ST. The YLs interviewees showed their positive attitudes towards the effects of ST on their RP. The test results indicated the significant impacts of the technique on the YLs’ RP. Pedagogical implications and suggestions were presented at the end of the paper.

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The Factors Affecting Chinese College English Teachers’ Learning Development: A Narrative Study

Ping, Huang (2022)

By ethnographic research, this study intends to explore the ways and influencing factors of college English teachers’ learning through eight cases by means of qualitative multi-case study so as to identify how they achieve professional development. The results show that lack of time management, heavy administration work, over ambition and passiveness are the negative factors which affect teacher learning. Teacher learning happens with clear goal and motivation, while passive learning may lead to good results in terms of the teacher community. This study claims that teacher success will definitely be affected by teachers’ clear goal and motivation with confidence, the influence of teaching community and the family influence.

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Theorizing Shadow Education and Academic Success in East Asia: Understanding the Meaning, Value, and Use of Shadow Education by East Asian Students Article Sidebar

Prastikawati, Entika Fani, Yonata, Fadhila (2022)

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The Effects of Project-Based Blended Learning with Communication Strategy Instruction on English Oral Communication Ability of Undergraduate Engineering Students

Pinphet, Pichai, Wasanasomsithi, Punchalee (2022)

Thai undergraduate engineering students seem to have difficulty mastering English oral communication ability. This study investigated the effects of project-based blended learning with communication strategy instruction to develop English oral communication ability of undergraduate engineering students. Four communication strategies, namely asking for clarification, asking for confirmation, circumlocution, and use of fillers and hesitation devices, were taught to 20 undergraduate engineering students inside class. The participants carried out their online tasks and independent project via social platforms (e.g., Facebook, Skype, etc.). Quantitative and qualitative data collection and analyses were conducted. The participants’ pretest and posttest scores were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test to examine their English oral communication ability development in six aspects (i.e., range, accuracy, fluency, interaction, coherence, and pronunciation) based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) 2017. The findings revealed that changes in English oral communication ability took place after the participants were taught communication strategies, thus indicating that project-based blended learning with communication strategy instruction could be used to promote English oral communication ability of language learners.

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Understanding Teacher Autonomy Through EFL Teachers’ Online Teaching Experiences

Muthita Chinpakdee (2022)

Research on autonomy in foreign language education has largely focused on learner autonomy while relatively little attention has been given to teacher autonomy and the factors that underpin its exercise and development. Similar to learner autonomy, teacher autonomy is a multidimensional construct and the degree to which it can be exercised and maintained varies, depending on context. This qualitative research examines teacher autonomy in the context of emergency online language teaching. Accounts of two teachers’ online teaching experiences were used to (a) explore how EFL teachers exercise and maintain their autonomy in teaching during the transition from face-to-face to online learning and (b) identify factors that affect their autonomy during this challenging time. Findings reveal that both teachers viewed the transition to online learning as an opportunity to exercise their autonomy and experiment with new ways to improve their practices. However, the extent to which they could implement new pedagogical ideas in their teaching depends on their professional relationships with others in their contexts. This study highlights the importance of reflection, collaboration, and negotiation as essential components of teacher autonomy and teacher development.