Publication: El impacto de la instrucción basada en temas sobre la efectividad del aprendizaje de lenguas y la motivación: un estudio de caso del curso “Español y Certamen de Belleza”
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El impacto de la instrucción basada en temas sobre la efectividad del aprendizaje de lenguas y la motivación: un estudio de caso del curso “Español y Certamen de Belleza”
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The Impact of Theme-Based Language Instruction on Language Learning Effectiveness and Motivation: A Case Study of “Spanish and Beauty Pageant Course”
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Esta investigación tiene como objetivo explorar cómo la instrucción de lenguas basada en temas, un enfoque innovador para la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en estos úl-timos años, afecta la actitud y la motivación de los aprendices y también comprueba su efectividad en desarrollar su competencia de español. El curso de “Español y Certamen de Belleza” era nuestro objeto de estudio para averiguar cómo se ejecuta la motivación intrín-seca, puesto que los concursos de belleza cuentan con una base sólida de seguidores en Tailandia mientras en muchos países hispanohablantes se considera un fenómeno social. En total, 22 estudiantes de este curso participaron en la investigación. Se les solicitó que rellenaran un cuestionario en línea, una herramienta para recopilar información relaciona-da con su actitud y motivación, y, además, su examen final fue analizado para reconocer su nivel de dominio de español al terminar el curso. Según los datos recogidos, la enseñanza de español basada en el tema de certamen de belleza produjo un impacto impresionante en la actitud y la motivación de los estudiantes. Los resultados del cuestionario mostraron que, después de haber estudiado este curso, todos los estudiantes admitieron tener una actitud positiva o muy positiva hacia la lengua española, la cultura hispana y los hispanoha-blantes. Los factores que resultaron ser más motivadores fueron el profesor, el método de enseñanza, las actividades en el aula y el ambiente de clase, respectivamente. Para nuestra sorpresa este enfoque ha sido capaz de crear un increíble sentido de pertenencia y empatía entre los aprendices. En relación con la competencia de español, los resultados del examen final demostraron que, en general, los estudiantes lograron llegar a un nivel satisfactorio en todas las destrezas, especialmente la comprensión lectora. Sin embargo, la compren-sión auditiva resultó bastante dificultosa para ellos, con lo cual se necesita una atención especial en relación con esta destreza.
This research aims to explore how theme-based language instruction, an innovative ap-proach for foreign language teaching in recent years, affects learners’ attitude and motiva-tion and to prove its effectiveness for building L2 proficiency. “Spanish and Beauty Pageant Course” is the object of the study in order to find out how intrinsic motivation exercises are, since beauty pageants have a solid fanbase in Thailand while in many Spanish speak-ing countries beauty contests are also a social phenomenon. Altogether 22 students of this course participated in the research, and they were requested to fill in an online ques-tionnaire which served as a tool to collect information concerning learners’ attitude and motivation and, moreover, their final exam results were analyzed to examine their level of Spanish proficiency by the end of the course. According to the evidence collected, the Span-ish instruction based on beauty pageant theme created an impressive impact on students’ attitude and motivation. The questionnaire results showed that, after studying this course, all students admitted to having a positive or very positive attitude towards the Spanish language, Hispanic cultures and Hispanic people. The most motivating factors were the instructor, teaching methods, classroom activities and class atmosphere respectively. Sur-prisingly, this approach did create a remarkable sense of belonging and empathy between the learners. With regards to Spanish proficiency, the final exam results demonstrated that, overall, the students were able to reach a satisfying level in every skill, especially the reading skill. However, the listening skill presented most difficulties and required special attention.
This research aims to explore how theme-based language instruction, an innovative ap-proach for foreign language teaching in recent years, affects learners’ attitude and motiva-tion and to prove its effectiveness for building L2 proficiency. “Spanish and Beauty Pageant Course” is the object of the study in order to find out how intrinsic motivation exercises are, since beauty pageants have a solid fanbase in Thailand while in many Spanish speak-ing countries beauty contests are also a social phenomenon. Altogether 22 students of this course participated in the research, and they were requested to fill in an online ques-tionnaire which served as a tool to collect information concerning learners’ attitude and motivation and, moreover, their final exam results were analyzed to examine their level of Spanish proficiency by the end of the course. According to the evidence collected, the Span-ish instruction based on beauty pageant theme created an impressive impact on students’ attitude and motivation. The questionnaire results showed that, after studying this course, all students admitted to having a positive or very positive attitude towards the Spanish language, Hispanic cultures and Hispanic people. The most motivating factors were the instructor, teaching methods, classroom activities and class atmosphere respectively. Sur-prisingly, this approach did create a remarkable sense of belonging and empathy between the learners. With regards to Spanish proficiency, the final exam results demonstrated that, overall, the students were able to reach a satisfying level in every skill, especially the reading skill. However, the listening skill presented most difficulties and required special attention.